pp250 The Valet Chair
PP Mobler
Wegner came up with the idea for the Valet Chair in 1951, following a long talk with Professor of Architecture Steen Eiler Rasmussen and designer Kay Bojesen about the problems of folding clothes in the most practical manner when it was time for bed. But the process of completing the design was not initiated before the Danish King Frederik IX ordered one after seeing the first four-legged version.
Wegner was dissatisfied with the four-legged version and continued working on the design for two years, before the King could finally receive his chair. By then the three-legged version had been created and made for the King in pine with a teak seat. Wegner wanted to show the King what an extraordinary beautiful chair he could make in even the cheap pinewood. Teak was used for the seat to stretch the exclusivity of the design. The Danish King ended up ordering a total of ten Valet Chairs.
The back of pp250 works as a hanger for a jacket. The seat is hinged and can be placed in an upright position so the trousers can be neatly folded. Underneath the seat a box is revealed for keys, walet etc.

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